Sooke Hills Wilderness
Wildlife Monitoring Project
University of Victoria researchers are currently conducting a study on wildlife, climate change and recreation in the Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park located in southeastern Vancouver Island near the city of Victoria. As part of this project, motion-detection cameras will be installed starting in mid-August 2021 at various locations along trails and wildlife corridors to count wildlife and hikers passing along trails at various locations.
To protect the privacy of park visitors, we are utilizing an advanced image recognition software application that detects and blurs human facial features in the image by aggregating pixels. Once facial features have been blurred, the original images are then destroyed. This process takes place as soon as the images are uploaded to our secure server storage site to ensure that visitor's faces that appear in images will not be seen by anyone. Please contact for more information.
You may verify the ethical approval of this study, or raise concerns you might have, by contacting the Human Research Ethics Office at the University of Victoria (250-472-4545 or