Jean Hodgson
Jean is a masters student supporting the First Nations Fisheries Council of BC (FNFC) with marine spatial planning on the southern coast of BC. Her thesis work focuses on better understanding how Indigenous knowledge governance can be supported in knowledge sharing and co-production processes for environmental stewardship initiatives.While substantial work has been done to articulate goals and principles of Indigenous knowledge sovereignty, including the ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP) principles developed by the First Nations Information Governance Centre, there has been limited work investigating how these principles may be realized in natural resource management contexts.
In Canada, environmental stewardship processes such as MSP often include a variety of parties, including the federal and provincial government, intermediary non-profit groups like the FNFC, and multiple First Nations partners. Using the Southern BC MSP Program as a case study, Jean has engaged with partners through focus groups to learn about perceptions of and experiences with knowledge governance in environmental stewardship settings. The findings and knowledge products from this project will help partners better understand how they may support knowledge sharing in the present Southern BC MSP Program initiative and beyond. Additionally, the findings will help to address the gap in the literature on knowledge governance in environmental stewardship co-production processes.
Expertise & Experience: Marine and coastal management, community-based participatory research methodologies, GIS, marine conservation, marine biology
Email: jeanhodgson@outlook.com